Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Mon Nov 14 04:06:53 CST 2005

On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 07:31:17PM +0000, Matthew East wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-11-13 at 01:25 +0100, Florian Diesch wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 01:08:04AM +0100, Florian Diesch wrote:
> > > Are there any reasons why there's nothing like tasksel in main?
> > > IMHO tasksel is a nice thing as it
> > >  * shows newcomers what they can do with Ubuntu
> > >  * makes it easy to install the packages I need without having to search for
> > >    them
> > >  * gives me a kind of standard selection of packages. If I'm new to
> > >    something it's often hard to decide which of the many alternative
> > >    programs is a good starting point
> > 
> > 
> > No comments?
> I think gnome-app-install may be similar to what you are looking for

No. Probably I should explain what tasksel does as it seems not known that
much around here: 

>From the user's point of view tasks are something like metapackages except
that they are not in the packages list but can selected using tasksel.

>From the maintainer's point of view task are a different way to group packages
together: A task is not a package but is specified in
/usr/share/tasksel/*.desc. The packages belonging to a task are not given
directly. Instead the "Task" field of a package's control data tells the
task a package belongs to. If some packages of a task are not available
that's not an error (as tasksel doesn't know about them), they just don't
get installed (but you can tell tasksel to hide a task if some given
packages are not available).

I think tasks are interesting for maintainers, too, because a task can contain
packages spread all over main, restricted and universe but does not depend
on any of this sections beeing available.

Es gibt Leute, die von sich behaupten "wenn ich Kaffee trinke, kann ich
nicht schlafen!". Bei mir ist das umgekehrt: Wenn ich schlafe, kann ich
keinen Kaffee trinken.  [Juergen Ilse in de.alt.folklore.urban-legends]

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