Jeremie Corbier jeremie.corbier at
Mon Nov 14 04:10:48 CST 2005

Matthew East a écrit :
> Idea: would it be possible to remove the ntpdate service from startup
> altogether? I've noticed that update-manager manages to reload my apt
> sources in the background after I've entered my password for other
> administrative services, perhaps it could be taught to update the clock
> from the internet via ntpdate too? Users should be able to disable that
> from the Time & Date administrative tool.
> This to me would make more sense than running it at boot when loads of
> people don't have the internet up. In many cases, the ntpdate services
> doesn't fail quickly: it can keep searching for ages!
> Probably this idea has occurred to you guys before and you've rejected
> it for some reason, if so, please ignore me. But I think on the face of
> things it would be a sensible solution.

It would be possible to use ntpd too. Think about guys who don't
shutdown their computers for months :)


Jérémie Corbier

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