Corey Burger
corey.burger at
Sat Nov 5 09:23:30 CST 2005
On 11/5/05, Mateusz Łoskot <mateusz at> wrote:
> Hi Corey,
> Corey Burger wrote:
> > On 11/5/05, Mateusz Łoskot <mateusz at> wrote:
> >
> >>I'm looking for Ubuntu GIS team members.
> >>Who set this Wikipage up?
> >>This team is also not listed here
> >>Is this alive?
> >
> >
> > I was set up by myself (irc nick: Burgundavia) and Oliver Grawert (irc
> > nick: ogra). It has stalled due to my not being a MOTU and ogra being
> > crazy busy with Edubuntu.
> I understand. So there isn't set any concrete roadmap for UbuntuGIS up?
> Seems like it is in stage of proposal and DebianGIS compliance for now.
Not really. We lack a roadmap because we don't know what is useful for
a real GIS user.
> > What we need to is to figure out what is the most important things
> > that are not packaged. We need a real GIS person for that, as neither
> > of us are. Can you help us with that?
> First, as I moved from Debian to Ubuntu, I'm strongly interested in such
> a project like UbuntuGIS.
> Second, I'd not define myself as a real GIS person. I work as a GIS
> programmer for small company in Poland. After hours I'm mainly a user
> but also contributor for a few Open Source projects i.e. QGIS, small
> contribs for GDAL/OGR, Shapelib etc.
> Third, I'm very new deb packager. I did first steps (debs) but I need
> some guidance, definitely.
The Masters of the Universe are more than happy to help you with this.
They can be reached at #ubuntu-motu.
> So, I'm intersted to get involved in UbuntuGIS but I'm not able to lead
> the project. If there is someone who has some idea that's great!
> Packages: I won't say here what should be packaged urgently but I'm
> ready to participate in discussion about it, no problem, I'll do my
> best. I'm also in contact with real GIS persons and Open Source Software
> users so I have consulting possibilities if needed.
The best way might be to join #ubuntu-motu on Freenode and we can talk more.
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