Multiverse question (re: Eclipse)

Jerry Haltom wasabi at
Thu May 26 22:48:41 CDT 2005

I have a package, Eclipse, which I'd like to get uploaded so that I can
get people using it, and start cleaning it up. At this point it has one
dependency which is not buildable from source with distributable tools
(Lucene, a Java component). This one component needs to be build with a
non-free JVM at this time.

Is this a candidate for a binary upload to multiverse?

Obviously I am working towards getting it completely buildable from
source. The entire FOSS Java community is. However, at this point, it

I'd like Eclipse up so that it can get some visibility. I want users who
want to give it a try to be able to get easy access to it. I also don't
have the resources to host a 50MB source package (It's Java!!!) on my

The goal is to get this freed up before Breezy.

Jerry Haltom <wasabi at>

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