[KERNEL] Black Screen

SmasSive smassive at menta.net
Fri May 13 06:16:51 CDT 2005

With a precompiled kernel doesn't works... it doesn't even boot 

El vie, 13-05-2005 a las 11:07 +0100, Matthew Garrett escribió:
> On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 11:06 +0200, SmasSive wrote:
> > Is this just I want to avoid...
> > I'm not very friendly with precompiled kernel's...
> Does the precompiled kernel work? If so, it sounds like you've
> misconfigured something. If not, then there's a bug. We can't know until
> you've tested that.
> -- 
> Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at srcf.ucam.org

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