disk full notification?

Xan DXpublica at telefonica.net
Sat May 7 03:58:50 CDT 2005

Divendres 06 Maig 2005 13:02, en/na Jani Monoses (<Jani Monoses <jani at iv.ro>>) 
va escriure:
>>disk full notification?
> Hello
> a friend was using warty/gnome and ran into problems with large
> applications not starting anymore. It took her a while to figure out that
> the disk was almost full.

It could be good modify gnome/kde for that desktop icons were empty/full if HD 
is empty or full (like the k3b taskbar icon: it's red painted reflecting % of 

Anyway, I second your petition. I think it's sure.

> Wouldn't it be nice to have a notification system included with the default
> desktop which would warn when disk space is scarce?
> I know it can be done with various DYO or third party scripts, planel
> plugins etc. Searching around a stumbled upon knotify, gnotify and
> libnotify from galago but those seem to target notifications in general and
> I am not sure what their status is in gnome/kde
> thanks
> Jani

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