MOTU mailing list

Daniel Holbach dh at
Thu May 5 03:12:30 CDT 2005

Hi everyone,

I'd like to request a MOTU mailing list. Although ubuntu-devel@ is not
overrun and collapsing under traffic, I see some reasons which justify
this step:

      * I expect a similar dynamic development as in #ubuntu-motu, which
        started with 5 people and now has a constant average of ~45
      * I don't want to annoy the ubuntu-devel@ list with announcements
        of upcoming meetings and discussions of the MOTU proceedings.
      * There should be a "discussion forum" for people unable to
        participate in the IRC channel due to bad connectivity.
      * An archive with "solutions" to build problems and other clever
        ideas would be great.

Please consider creating one, but feel free to flame me before.

Have a nice day,

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