extended remove functionality

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Wed May 4 17:10:53 CDT 2005

On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 11:17:47PM +0200, MadMan2k wrote:

> there is a basic problem with the way synaptic/ apt handles removing 
> packages;
> it neither removes the directly depandancies(libs) nor the indirectly 
> depandancies(other packages).
> Therfore you will get a lot of orphaned packages after a while.
> Now you could use deborphan/ the deborphan filter in synaptic.
> But this is also not statisfying, since you would only get the libs with 
> synaptic or get too many packages with "deborphan --all-packages" via 
> console - and because there is no possibility to select which packages 
> to remove and which to keep, you have to manually copy & paste the 
> respective name for every package.
> And you have to repeat this procedure over and over until you've rached 
> the final recursion level.
> Therefore I thik the problem should be solved at the source and a option 
> equivalent to "pacman -Rcsn" [1] should be added to apt/ synaptic.

This is the subject of
(the outcome of discussions at Ubuntu Down Under)

 - mdz

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