hardware spec collection

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at grawert.net
Thu Mar 31 11:15:46 CST 2005

Am Donnerstag, den 31.03.2005, 08:51 -0800 schrieb Daniel Robitaille:
> > Am Donnerstag, den 31.03.2005, 09:34 -0600 schrieb Carl Karsten:
> > > Is there a script that will post my hardware specs and configs to some
> > > server in the sky?
> > run the hardware database collection tool from your device manager ;)
> > (make sure to have the latest version, since only that one has the
> > online submission code)
> are the results in that "server in the sky" available for public
> consumption?  It would be interesting to see what type of hardware are
> used with Ubuntu, and which ones are the most popular.
a interim solution for the server is currently in the works, and not in
a state where i could bear a slashdotting shortly before release, so
please be a little patient, i will announce it if its ready for use :)

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