Hoary array-7 install report

Nicolas Boos nicolas.boos at wanadoo.fr
Mon Mar 28 13:51:47 CST 2005


Default installation with :
   * Language : French
   * Location : France
   * Keyboard layout : French (fr-latin9)
   * Manual network config (no dhcp)
      - Address :
      - Netmask :
      - No gateway
      - No DNS

1. Selected keymap during install is not working, see bug #8313
   (maybe already reported but in doubt...)

2. The "Testing network repository" and "Testing security update
repository" steps are too long ! Four minutes each ! And because of
such delay, some users may think there is a problem here...

3. Defaults for HorizSync and VertRefresh in xorg.conf are 28-49
and 43-72. Strange because the monitor (A701GT) supports
more larger values (27-96 and 50-160).

I found the ddcprobe behaviour is very strange on my system. The
result of "for n in `seq 0 9`; do ddcprobe > ddcprobe_$n.log; done" is :

   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco  940 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_0.log
   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco  747 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_1.log
   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco  601 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_2.log
   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco 1000 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_3.log
   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco 1000 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_4.log
   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco 1000 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_5.log
   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco  940 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_6.log
   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco 1000 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_7.log
   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco 1000 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_8.log
   -rw-r--r--  1 coco coco  816 2005-03-28 20:04 ddcprobe_9.log

4. The default group for /dev/sg devices is "disk" so the SCSI
connected scanners are not detected by xsane.


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