
H. C. Brugmans hcbrugmans at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 02:26:39 CST 2005

kahping wrote:

>it would be quite difficult to estimate the number of Ubuntu users even
>with that, i think. nobody would know how often anybody reboots their
>system in a day. some leave their computers on all the time and some
>reboot numerous times in a day for whatever reason(re-formats,
>upgrades, for the heck of it, etc...)
>i would like an GUI option to disable it, though. i don't like seeing
>"failed" everytime i boot up Ubuntu :-P
If you ask me, it is a bad default.
I hate being suprized by the ntp timing  out on boot, and I'm  not the 
world's only user who does not have internet on his pc 24/7. Think of 
laptops, dial ups etc.
An easy option to turn it off is definatly needed. rather give the 
option to update at times the user selects.

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