Bug reporting issues

Celso Pinto cpinto at yimports.com
Mon Mar 14 13:20:42 CST 2005

Hi everyone,

whenever I find a bug in an application, where should I report it? In
Ubuntu's Bugzilla or the project's <whatever RT> they use?
Quick example, I've reported some bugs to Ximian's bugzilla regarding
LDAP issues and other stuff but these seem to go to /dev/null. 

I feel that because I'm sort of "only one" there isn't a big chance of
having those small bugs fixed until they bother someone but if I report
the bug in Ubuntu's bugzilla, probably the maintainer will put it in the
upstream's report tracker and they'll say "hey, it's that guy from
Ubuntu, better fix this".

So, any thoughts on this?


Celso Pinto <cpinto at yimports.com>
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