daily-live report

Sivan Green sivan at piware.de
Thu Mar 10 09:05:50 CST 2005

hi list,

  just finished booting my sata p4 machine with the preivew
  livecd and encountered the following:
  	* he_il.utf-8 seems to be missing from the livecd, 
	  didn't check yet on the installer cd.
        * i have 2 nics, and when the system finished
	  i still did not have none of them configured since
	  my /etc/network/interfaces file had entries for
	  only the loopback inteface.
        * choosing hebrew is the language for the setup
	  leaves the desktop after initialization without
	  any way to type english, without modifying the
	  gnome kbd selector properties by hand.
	* for some reason i can have no capital letters
	  inputed, so that's why there isn't even one on
	  this email :-)

 other then that, the new artwork is rocking, the cd is
 blazingly fast to run, and is very responsive, not to
 mention that i could overcome the network problem no sweat
 with the g-s-t network admin, so everything seem working
 nicely in general.


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