human theme changed?

Owen Stenseth owen at
Wed Mar 9 12:14:40 CST 2005

On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 08:51:42AM -0800, Sanjeev Das wrote:
> after this mornings updates, the human theme looks much different. I liked
> the older one that looked more like industrial. Is this by design? Is
> there a way to get the old one back?

I have to agree, the new default background is really hard on the eyes. I actually jumped back from my monitor when it first apeared. The old widget set used to highlight menu choices in brown, now it's near impossible to see when something is highlighted on my laptop. Also what's with the beveled separator in the menu's? It's seems really thick and looks a lot like a <hr/> which everyone knows and loves :-)

To me the widget style feels really clunky compared to the old one.


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