Array CD 6

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Tue Mar 8 15:17:55 CST 2005

On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 04:26:09PM -0500, deelerious wrote:
> During the first stage of the install, the installer prompts twice for
> the creation of a non-root user. The second time the dialog box comes
> up it is already populated with the user ID entered the 1st time it
> came up. After this, it proceeds as normal with the prompts for setting
> up a password etc.
> Is this a bug or a feature? Should I open a new bug report?

I'm not sure I quite understand what you're saying. The intended
sequence is as follows:

  prompt for user's normal full name
    -> enter e.g. "Colin Watson"

  prompt for Unix username
    -> preset to e.g. "colin"; I usually delete this and replace with

  prompt for password

  prompt for password confirmation

If you're not seeing this sequence, then it's a bug. It seems to me that
you're confused about the distinction between full name and username,
though, in which case I hope the above example clarifies it.


Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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