Nautilus.smb -> application

An-tonio turok at
Wed Jun 29 15:17:13 CDT 2005

A solution to all this kind of problem could be "fuse" with something
similar to gnome-vfs-mount but integrated in nautilus...

For example when nautilus first explore a vfs like sftp:, smb:, etc,
remote site should be mount and nautilus could explore into local mount
vfs... so no problem for a non vfs app. When you exit gnome or system
all this mount point (in a expecial folder in home) get umount. All this
is ignored from a user view.

Excuse my english.


Leslie Viljoen wrote:

> Hi!
> When you open an SMB share in Nautilus and then double-click a .doc file,
> OpenOffice opens but then cannot find the file (file .....smb:.....
> does not exist).
> Gimp does this too, but interestingly, Gedit is fine. I assume it has
> something to
> do with a Gnome standard.
> Anyway, I consider this to be a serious Ubuntu desktop useability
> issue and
> was thinking of putting it in bugzilla but I'm not sure what to file
> it under.
> I searched but could not find mention of this issue. Does anyone know
> anything
> about it (ie. is it in bugzilla already)?
> BTW: I can get smb4k working to an extent by setting suid on smbmnt
> and getting it
> to run nautilus when clicking on a mounted share. Nautilus doesn't
> seem to
> mount shares anywhere, just passes 'smb:' to the app when
> double-clicking.
> Les

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