Enabled repositories in default install

John Skaller skaller at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jun 26 20:49:52 CDT 2005

On Sun, 2005-06-26 at 23:20 +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Montag, den 27.06.2005, 06:42 +1000 schrieb John Skaller:

> > The thing is, 'restricted' is exactly the opposite:
> > its actually the supported non-base applications,
> > which one should feel most free to install .. 
> > one should feel less restricted about it than the
> > unrestricted universe about which one should tremble
> > and backup before installations .. :)
> who told you that ? 

Obviously the name didn't suggest the right meaning to me ..
and Synaptic doesn't tell you either.

> there are at least 20 MOTUs spending a lot (if not all) of their spare
> time for you to make this packages work right and to give you support
> for them, why do you make such offending statements here and just ignore
> their work ? 

I'm not ignoring their work -- I'm following the official
web pages: please read:


"The main distribution component contains applications that are free
software, can freely be redistributed and are fully supported by the
Ubuntu team."

"The universe component ....comes with no guarantee of security fixes 
and support"

So it is quite clear: universe is not supported by the
Ubuntu team, main is, hence the name 'unsupported',
meaning 'by the Ubuntu team'.

Perhaps 'community' would be a better name, but in any case
it is irrelevant, the name isn't going to change.

John Skaller <skaller at users dot sourceforge dot net>
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