Bug or not in Nautilus ..?

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Sat Jun 25 10:55:17 CDT 2005

Can somebody please confirm whether the following is a bug:

Excerpt of /etc/fstab:
\\\d /media/samba/ smbfs user,guest,noauto

The options there are meant to create an icon in computer:/// so that a
user can easily mount it (it's on a laptop so noauto is appropriate).
mount /media/samba/ works like a charm, but clicking on the
icon in computer:/// gives back the error:
Can't find \\d in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

So the leading backslash has disappeared!

I'd say this is a bug in nautilus, or am I missing something?
Dennis K.
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