Firefox and XPrint

Daniel Stone daniel at
Wed Jun 22 08:20:19 CDT 2005

On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 08:54:34AM -0400, Scott J. Henson wrote:
> Daniel Stone wrote:
> >We have made a conscious development decision not to support Xprint as
> >it generally causes more problems than it solves; we are tracking the
> >development of the Mozilla complex PostScript renderer, and it is
> >improving very rapidly.  We hope that it will continue to improve, and
> >that it will be able to print all the text soon.
> Thank you for the reply.  My main problem with the Mozilla PostScript 
> module is that most of our printers don't have PostScript interpreters 
> new enough and they print out pages complaining about that and saying to 
> filter through gs.  When we filter through gs, the resulting printout 
> looks like crap.  Is there any chance that the Mozilla PostScript Module 
> will be supporting these older HP printers? 
> They are all out of support with HP so I doubt we will be getting new 
> firmware upgrades, and it would take tens of thousands of dollars to 
> replace them, which is unlikely to happen.  Currently we have recompiled 
> Firefox with XPrint support, but we would rather not have custom 
> packages floating around.  Thanks.

I don't know myself, sorry.
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