
Leslie Viljoen lesliev at icoc.co.za
Wed Jun 22 07:25:59 CDT 2005

Søren Hansen wrote:

>tir, 21 06 2005 kl. 21:37 +0200, skrev Leslie Viljoen:
>>..in order to make just such a chroot environment. Is there some way I can
>>copy these files in bootstrap into the root pbuilder is setting up to avoid
>>downloading all the files again? If so, where do I copy them?
>I haven't tried it, but pbuilder has an APT cache
>in /var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache .  Try throwing your .deb's there and
>see if it works. 
Unfortunately it's a full chroot environment that I have,
built with debootstrap, not debs.

I think I'll just go the long way, I don't want a chroot with
perhaps wrong file versions in it.


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