Multimedia folder/partition

Marco Cabizza mc at
Tue Jun 21 06:52:20 CDT 2005

On mar, 2005-06-21 at 11:55 +0200, Masuran wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Taco Witte schreef:
> > Op di, 21-06-2005 te 11:19 +0200, schreef Masuran:
> > 
> >>Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >>Hello,
> >>I have a small idea and I would like to hear what others think of it.
> >>At my home pc, I have 3 accounts and a folder (actually a mounted
> >>partition) under /media.
> >>I set everything up so that all 3 accounts can add and remove files from
> >>that folder. It contains movies, music and shared documents.
> >>Maybe it would be a good idea to include a small tool that would
> >>configure what folder is the 'Media folder' and who can read and write
> >>to it. This would make it much easier to set up your computer so
> >>everyone can watch movies, listen to music and share documents.
> > 
> > 
> > I like the idea, but would make it more general (such as a /shared
> > directory with permissions like /tmp but not erased on boot).
> > This /shared directory would then be listed during the installation as a
> > candidate for its own partition (it could get large..).
> > 
> > Kind regards,
> > Taco
> > 
> > 
> Yes, but it should also be possible to limit the access rights to the
> folder/partition. Everyone on the system can write to /tmp, but this is
> a bad approach for the /shared folder.

I bet that could be a good idea, but even a "Music" folder would be
fine, because it could have properties like "Enqueue in Rhythmbox" or
whatever, that the other folders [if you're tidy] shouldn't need.


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