Question for Integration

Taco Witte tcwitte at
Mon Jun 20 10:00:00 CDT 2005

Michael Beattie wrote:

>On 6/20/05, dave walker <dave at> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I am asking this devel group if you know any information on the
>>following.  I and a friend were talking about this last night, and were
>>wondering why is there no central directory system for Linux (or Gnome)
>>machines?  We both use OSX a lot and notice that programs such as Adium
>>(Mac port of Gaim), Mail, iChat, etc.etc. all pull from one system-wide
>>address/contact book.  Before we started creating one, we wanted to ask
>>why this does not exist.  Is there something we are not seeing, or has
>>no one ever done this before?
>>Thanks for your input.
>Well, I think the answer lies with the internal consistency of OS X. 
>Linux doesnt have that.  Who can say if someone will use your address
>book, or the address book in Evolution, or the one in Thunderbird, or
>some other one...  Therefore apps that are going to read this address
>book need interfaces to all of the different books and then need to
>ask you which one you want to use.
>That being said, good luck.  I'd like to see a unified standard thing
>that people can use for this purpose.
Perhaps a local LDAP for everything? This way it would be easy to extend 
to a company-wide directory. Good luck indeed, it would be very nice to 
have this standardized.

Kind regards,

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