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domenique Tilleuil domenique.tilleuil at
Sun Jun 19 14:28:39 CDT 2005

I've finished my program. The screenshot and source can be found at

Is there anyone who can make an ubuntu package for it as i don't have a 
clue about how that works.
Also in the python file there is a var named GLADEFILE wich should point 
at the location of the glade file.
There is no licence included in the package but i guess it should be 
released under the GPL or something like that.
Anyhow the source is free, open and anyone can use it :)

Please post comments and bugs at my blog :)

Domenique Tilleuil

E : Domenique.Tilleuil<a t>
JID : Ti_Uhl at
ICQ : 31018769
MSN : Ti_Uhl at

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