Maintainer's guide

Brandon Hale brandon at
Sun Jun 19 09:10:44 CDT 2005

On Sun, 2005-06-19 at 13:19 +0200, Leslie Viljoen wrote:
> Hi All!
> There was a rumour about a new Ubuntu maintainer's guide being worked on.
> I have been talking with siretart about writing something similar to answer
> packaging questions I had - but if there is going to be an Ubuntu 
> maintainer's
> guide, I should use that as the starting point, not the Debian one.

It's not a rumor, its a Breezy goal.

> If there is such a guide, can it be put up in the Wiki? Then I can 
> include things
> there instead of making yet another half-guide.

AnkurKotwal kindly took the lead on implementing this project.
He is wrapping up his draft which he expects to submit for review in the
next weeks.  I hope you will submit your comments at that time.

> If such a guide does not exist yet, I propose we put the Debian guide 
> into the
> wiki and start Ubuntu-izing it. Since (it seems) there is a shortage of 
> maintainers,
> a good doc would help to get new maintainers up and running quickly.


> The first useful changes could be to make sure all the links point to 
> the right
> Ubuntu targets. For example, "the list of packages being worked on" FOR 

Not really, we are starting from scratch with a very small scope (rip
apart an existing package, see what parts make debian/ tick, then make
your own very simple package from scratch).

This will simply serve to soften the blow of the initial learning curve.
The Debian New Maintainer's Guide will remain (and be linked) as the
authoritative reference on Debian packaging.

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