RSS in Hoary
dlist at
Sat Jun 18 16:39:11 CDT 2005
John Richard Moser Wrote:
> I see that in Warty the current RSS solution is "Use Firefox Live
> Bookmarks." This is very skeletal and poor. I suggest a light-weight
> news agregator for Hoary. Liferea is already in Universe, and should
> be
> brought into Main. It is very lightweight; the 0.5 package for core
> and
> gtkhtml are 306kB, 1085kB unpacked.
> Liferea is very clean and easy to use, and has a good featureset. I
> personally use 0.6.0 on Gentoo. There are screenshots available as
> well:
> contains a screenshot of Liferea
> with many feeds.
> is a
> screenshot of my Liferea viewing US-CERT TA04-260A.
> Liferea handles many feed formats. I have personally tested it with
> and RDF feeds of varying versions, some of which did not work in other
> readers I've tried. I haven't seen CDF feeds, and am new to Atoms; but
> Liferea seems to handle atoms fine. OPML is its
> import/export format, which is also common to Akregator (KDE) IIRC,
> meaning transitioning KDE users will be able to export their feeds to
> Liferea.
> Liferea can run in the background minimized to an icon. It can be
> started with `liferea --iconify` and become a small globe in the
> notification area of Gnome (system tray). This can be configured away,
> but should be set by default; it is a powerful feature, as Liferea can
> be left running at all times so that it continuously updates news.
> Liferea pops up short-lived, unintrusive windows when it updates a feed
> and finds new articles. This can be configured away, but is very
> unintrusive, as the windows are only onscreen for a brief few seconds,
> just enough to glance for interesting articles rather than read each
> headline.
> Liferea can cache a limited or unlimited number of feeds on the disk,
> so
> that all articles ever downloaded remain on disk. The entire RSS
> content is readable offline once downloaded as well. Having thousands
> of articles for a feed in Firefox' live bookmarks would definitely not
> be feasible.
> Liferea can search through feeds for specific words and phrases, and
> save searches as virtual folders.
> Liferea can also use a proxy. Squid can be used to prevent Liferea
> from
> downloading a full feed when it hasn't really updated.
> The UI for Liferea is very pleasant and easy to use. It is
> pseudo-intuitive, easily learned by simply fiddilng with it for a brief
> period. It is a GTK/Gnome application as well, so it will integrate
> fine with Ubuntu.
> In conclusion, I believe Liferea should definitely be moved into Main
> for Hoary and be the supported RSS/RDF/Atom/CDF/OPML News Aggregator
> for
> Ubuntu Linux.
> --
> All content of all messages exchanged herein are left in the
> Public Domain, unless otherwise explicitly stated.
> --
> ubuntu-devel mailing list
> ubuntu-devel at
im using sage as a plugin in firefox.. does the job.. in windows i was
using pluck. for me the best ive seen sofar. see
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