.desktop -> menu

Sam Morris sam at robots.org.uk
Fri Jun 17 18:44:17 CDT 2005

>>>Does anyone know how a an application is sorted in the menu?
>>>In a .desktop file I can say "category=Application", but that seems 
>>>unrelated to where the item ends up in the Gnome menu. How is that determined?
>>I too would love to control how the menu are organized. Sadly it seems
>>you can't have any control over it. As far as I could see, menu entries
>>are simply arranged/sorted in alphabetical order and that's it ! :-/
>>I hope that some future version of Gnome will give the user total
>>control over how the menu items (including sub-menus) are arranged :o(
> You can edit the "Categories" in a .desktop file; it contains a number
> of keywords that are used to determine where an application will go. I
> for example just copied the .desktop file for gconf-editor, renamed it
> to FooBar and changed System to Network in the Categories. I don't know
> how the keywords are handled exactly, but it's certainly not "random".

Assuming you're talking about the Gnome 2.10 menu, it's determined by 
files in /etc/xdg/menus. See 
<http://www.freedesktop.org/Wiki/standards/menu-spec> for more info.

Sam Morris

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