
Leslie Viljoen leslie at
Fri Jun 17 12:48:21 CDT 2005

Mike Hearn wrote:

>On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 23:34:12 +0200, Leslie Viljoen wrote:
>>I made a .desktop file and an icon for sopwith, what next? Does that help?
>Why not submit them upstream rather than apply them as an Ubuntu specific
Very true. siretart has the files, but I will send them on to the 
authors too.

>Also, FWIW the best way to do this is to get somebody to draw an SVG icon,
>then use the make-icons script. This will pre-render the SVG to various
>sizes and output to various directories, then print an automake fragment
>to stdout that you can copy/paste into a
>The pre-rendered icons can sometimes look bad at small sizes, particularly
>if they have perspective. In that case you need the original icon artist
>to redraw them in the GIMP pixel by pixel to make them sharper again, etc.
>For people doing this work generally, there are some great artists hanging
>out at if like me you suck at drawing :) For instance AJ
>Ashton kindly drew an icon for Stellarium, which together with a .desktop
>file I recently submitted upstream. In this case his icon was simple and
>flat enough that it looked good even at small sizes so no redrawing was
Heh, I cheated on that one because the only icon I have
done so far was for Sopwith and it's an 80's CGA game. Nothing
signifies it better than a little cyan and magenta plane grabbed
from the actual game (with a nice shadow).

I don't suck at art, but the deviant art people are probably
better (and faster).

>thanks -mike
Thank-you for the tips!


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