Proposal: More info about unsupported and/or non-free drivers

Taco Witte tcwitte at
Fri Jun 17 04:01:19 CDT 2005

Op vr, 17-06-2005 te 10:27 +0200, schreef Eric Feliksik:
> As hardware is auto-detected in Ubuntu, could it be possible to also 
> detect which hardware will not work properly? This can be registered 
> then and for example the default firefox page can include a (dynamically 
> generated) text on which hardware will probably not work, and what there 
> possibilities are to get it to work.
> The information for this should be pulled out of a database that is 
> centrally maintained and regularly updated, like on the wiki, but more 
> structured.
> Along with this a note could go to the user about the reasons for 
> missing hardware support and the problems of binary drivers and 
> undisclosed specifications.

That's a good idea, perhaps hotplug could write such a list of
unsupported hardware to a file in /var/log, which would then be included
in the default homepage. (I think it would be enough to just mention the
hardware and give a link to a particular page on the wiki for more
information about that piece of hardware -- the wiki is easier to update
and this keeps the package that makes the page small).

Kind regards,

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