Debian concordance

John Skaller skaller at
Tue Jun 14 16:17:42 CDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 12:28 -0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 03:51:25PM +1000, John Skaller wrote:
> > This is a pain .. I happen to need a package on Debian right
> > now that has not yet made it to Ubuntu (only just got uploaded
> > to Debian an hour ago .. it contains an essential bugfix).
> During open development (e.g., right now) packages are brought in from
> Debian once each day,

which ones? unstable or what?

>  so it will be here tomorrow (unless it requires a
> manual merge).

But I use a mirror .. which only has 3.08.2-1: from
INRIA website:

The most recent version of Objective Caml is 3.08.3. 
It was released on 2005-03-17.

So the Ubuntu version on my mirror is already 
3 months out of date compared to the original source.

[I have the patched code already built from CVS, but that's
not a package]

John Skaller, skaller at
PO Box 401 Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia Ph:61-2-96600850 
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