Debian concordance

John Skaller skaller at
Tue Jun 14 00:51:25 CDT 2005

Is there any kind of 'concordance' with Debian archives?

I'd like to be able to install packages from Debian,
sometimes it has stuff Ubuntu doesn't.

When I try, I get silly low level conflicts between, for example,
Ubuntu and Debian version of glibc.

This is a pain .. I happen to need a package on Debian right
now that has not yet made it to Ubuntu (only just got uploaded
to Debian an hour ago .. it contains an essential bugfix).

Can anyone explain how Ubuntu uses Debian packages?
[Like, are they repackaged mechanically if deemed

John Skaller, skaller at
PO Box 401 Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia Ph:61-2-96600850 
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