Update request: mplayerplug-in 2.80

Martin Meredith martin at sourceguru.net
Sat Jun 11 07:27:25 CDT 2005

That doesnt mean he wants it for hoary!

Read the first line!

Dear Breezy developers!

ok, so in the body he doesnt specify that he wants it updating for
breezy, but nor does he specifically say he wants it updated for hoary.
he just refers to the package as it is in hoary.

Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> On za, 2005-06-11 at 13:08 +0100, Martin Meredith wrote:
>>He asked for it to be updated for breezy.
> Please read better, this is what he wrote:
> Hoary has mplayerplug-in 2.70 which is a bit aged release of that app
> with several currently corrected bugs. Would someone take some effort
> to update it to the latest release (2.80)

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