UbuntuExpress's questions

Juan Jesús Ojeda Croissier juanje at interactors.coop
Wed Jul 27 01:33:13 CDT 2005

Hi guys ;-)

I've been working on the UbuntuExpress and I was thinking about to
eliminate some questions. The reasons are they are not really necessary
- questions = + easy = happier user ;-)

My idea is to eliminate questions about language, keymap, timezone and
The user already configures the language, keymap and timezone at the
start of the Live CD, so it's no point to ask again. And if the network
is not configured by the live system (casper or whatever), probably the
user does configure it in order to test well the system.
Usually a Live CD user don't install if everything is not ok. They like
to test everything works fine and then if they like it, they install it.

So I propose not to ask those things but copy the config from the live
system to the target installation.

The UbuntuExpress (installer from the live CD) sequence would be:
1- Welcome
2- Ask for hostname, user's fullname, name and pass.
3- Partitioning
4- Progress bar (formating partitions, copy the system, copy the configs
and extra postconfig)
5- Goodbye

Anyone against this proposal? Comments?

   \|/  interactors              | juanje arroba interactors.coop
  \|/    |_ activando redes      | http://interactors.coop
 \|/     |_ activating networks  | http://metadistros.hispalinux.es

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