LiveCD daily builds

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Mon Jul 25 16:33:06 CDT 2005

On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 03:43:39PM -0300, Alexandre Strube wrote:
> I've been looking for daily builds for quite some time, and I noticed
> that there's been some time since PowerPC and i386 live builds stopped
> being built.
> I'm aware the live builds are prone to error, but there's no way for us
> to test and report the latest live bugs until this get fixed.
> My doubt is:

(The English word you probably wanted is "question" rather than "doubt",
by the way.)

> what is so different between AMD 64 live builds and i386?
> AMD64 is being built every day..

It took me a little while to track this down, but it's because amd64 is
still using while i386 is using openoffice.org2.
language-support-en depends on which
provides while openoffice.org2-core conflicts
with I believe the thesaurus isn't there for
OOo2 yet.

Martin, please remove the* dependencies from
language-support-* for now.


Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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