Ejecting CDs are Frustrating

Sascha Morr sascha.morr at heidenwelt.de
Mon Jul 25 12:50:16 CDT 2005

Lukas Sabota schrieb:

> There is also one other alternative to ejecting the cd:
> lukas at gnarley:/dev$ sudo eject -s
> Password:
> eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
> lukas at gnarley:/dev$
> This ejects the CD, but still prints the error message.  One shouldn't 
> require root privileges to eject a CD.
> What's the deal with that?

I could use 'eject /dev/cdrom' to eject the cdrom-drive and 'eject -t 
/dev/cdrom' to close the cdrom-drive. Both without root privileges.


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