Breezy usability testing?

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at
Wed Jul 20 17:48:25 CDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Em 20 Jul, 2005, às 6:45 PM, jimcooncat escreveu:
> Check out 'My first 48 hours enduring Ubuntu 5.04'
> (

That was what's called a "heuristic evaluation", not a usability test.

> I don't know how much or if this is being incorporated.
> ...

In this list, "-" represents "Won't be fixed for Breezy, as far as I 
know". That may be incorrect for some points.

1.  -
2.  -
3.  -
4.  -
5.  -
6.  -
7.  -
8.  -
9.  -
10. Being fixed
11. At least 3 of 6 fixed
12. -
13. -
14. -
15. -
16. -
17. -
18. -
19. -
20. Being fixed, but progress is worryingly slow
21. -
22. -
23. -
24. Fixed
25. -
26. -
27. -
28. -
29. Fixed
30. Fixed
31. Fixed
32. Lots of work being done
33. -
34. Fixed
35. -
36. -
37. - (maybe upstream Nautilus improvements will invite reconsideration)
38. -
39. -
40. -
41. -
42. -
43. -
44. -
45. -
46. -
47. -
48. -
49. -
50. -
51. -
52. -
53. -
54. -
55. -
56. NetworkManager introduced (don't know if Evolution supports it)
57. -
58. -
59. Fixed
60. -
61. -
62. Fixed
63. Some progress
64. Fixed
65. -
66. Will be fixed, hopefully before Breezy
67. Maybe will be fixed
68. Will be fixed, if I have time to do it myself
69. -

- -- 
Matthew Thomas
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


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