Preseed question

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Mon Jul 18 09:00:03 CDT 2005

(Although this is maybe a question for u-users, I post it here since
there will be few user who will know this)

I am trying to setup an unattended install, this all works fine except
for one thing: preseeding of a certain package, nis, fails.

On an installed system, debconf-get-selections and
debconf-get-selections --installer give me:

d-i nis/domain                      string enterprise
d-i nis/not-yet-configured          string

nis nis/domain                      string enterprise

I have added these to the preseed file, but still d-i asks these
questions. The nis package is installed via: 

base-config     base-config/package-selection   string (~n^ubuntu-base$|~n^openssh-server$)|~n^nis$

Waht am I doing wrong/how can I do it right..?
Dennis K.
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