Ubuntu "Lite" :)

Sascha Morr sascha.morr at heidenwelt.de
Sun Jul 17 02:08:13 CDT 2005

Colin McDermott schrieb:
 > Ok the cats is out of the bag.
 > www.ubuntulite.org
 > This site is in development but I hope to release instructions and
 > versions of ubuntu specifically for lightweight machines. The aim though
 > is lighweight machines that are as easy to use as possible.
 > The site is under development but feel free to stop by and offer your
 > opinion.
 > The current downloadable version uses icewm ,rox-filer , firefox, gaim,
 > etc.
 > BTW it is not meant to be another DSL, feather, puppy, beatrix, etc. The
 > aim is to develop a linux system that is easy to use, functional and
 > works fast on lightweight machines.

Helo Colins,

interesting idea! Why not using epyphany, kazehakase or galeon as your 
webbrowser? They are much more lightwight den Firefox and also fits 
better to low end systems?


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