recovery from stupid error

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Thu Jul 14 12:41:58 CDT 2005

Am Donnerstag, den 14.07.2005, 13:19 -0400 schrieb Brett Profitt:
> The question should be, then, why make it easier for people who wish to
> do harm?  The fact that Ubuntu ships with this as default is the
> security concern.  Sure, direct hardware access is less secure
> regardless, but the presence of a quick and simple exploit to gain full
> access does indeed increase the chances of attack simply because it is
> quick and easy, and an otherwise indifferent person may take an interest.

ok, i admint that with typing "linux init=/bin/sh" and hitting enter at
the bootprompt of a system that has a password set for the root account
it takes about 4sec longer to get in...



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