Automatic and silent installation of security updates

Paul O'Malley ompaul at
Sat Jul 9 02:22:49 CDT 2005

Jerry Haltom wrote:

>>You can't force people to upgrade.
>In a corporate deployment it is almost unacceptable to not be able to.
>At the same time, I don't want to schedule a cron at 2 AM because people
>might turn their system off. I also don't want to force it at boot
>because people might want to do it later because they have a job to do
>and can't spare the time.

This idea might form the basis of a sane way of progressing with this

(A) Baseline a system which has nothing running on it and the user is
logged out.
(B) If after usual business hours and system is idle for more than one
hour or screen saver is on for one hour
then update and shutodwn -h now.

Very crude but it works,


Paul O'Malley

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