Breezy Release Update (upstream version freeze TOMORROW)

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Jul 6 13:39:26 CDT 2005

Am Mittwoch, den 06.07.2005, 19:51 +0200 schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
> Let's assume we have a package foo_1.2-3 in ubuntu and the debian
> maintainer uploads version foo_1.2-4 fixing an important bug.

> 1. Add the package on and hope the
> ftpmaster will sync it
thats the way we did it for hoary, it worked quite well working together
with elmo.

> And next question, what about NEW Packages? As you can see on
> the queue for NEW Packages is quite
> long, and I don't expect it to get  shorter in the near future. May we
> upload NEW Packages regardless the Upstream Version freeze in
> univserse/multiverse?

> What about packages from 3rd party repositories, like those from
> or marillats repository? Are they affected by upstream
> version freeze, too?
universe isnt affected by any freeze except the stopped autosyncs.
we will handle it like we did for hoary, leaving universe open until the
last minute for all and everything :)

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