Nautilus sound preview... what's the plan ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Tue Jul 5 11:02:26 CDT 2005

> Just a note, it works with hoary for other people.

And they had mp3, wav and ogg all working ?
Weird, one would not think this kind of thing varies from one machine to
another ?! :-/
Or maybe they installed some package other than sox ? 
I did post on the users list and got told that the pacakge "mpg123"
worked. I just tried, but it doesn't work on my machine. Plus, according
to the package description in Synaptic, it's only for mp3 support, not
wav or ogg. 

> There is a bug upstream about that:

Ahhh, all is well then, it shall eventually be taken care of at some
point :-)


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