Synaptic & Changelog Improvements

Michael Vogt michael.vogt at
Tue Jul 5 07:25:37 CDT 2005


On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 04:14:13PM +0200, MadMan2k wrote:
> I think there are some serious faluts with the way Synaptic handles 
> changelogs.

Thanks for your mail. This list is probably not the best place to
discuss the changelog handling of synaptic because it is about the
development of ubuntu and not specific features of single
applications. Would you mind to file a whishlist bug against the
synaptic package with your ideas?
> 1) A tab next to the descripton would be a better location for the 
> changelog.
>    Also it should be selected automatically for already installed 
> packages, since you
>    most probably know what the package is about.

I'm not sure about that. The changelog information is pretty specific
and highly technical. Most users are not interessted in that. 

> 2) The way the changelog is display is as well very unhandy, since it is 
> sorted by date
>     but the thing which intrests you most is which "urgent" (important) 
> changes were made.
>    Therefore throwing all the changes between the installed version and 
> the most recent version
>    together and then sorting them by urgency would be much more suitable.

The idea of having different sorting modes for the changelog is
interessting. But sorting by urgency is probably not goint to work
very well because most changes are ugency=low and a different urgency
value can mean a lot of things. It's often used (especially at release
time) to make sure that packages propergate fast from the debian
"unstable" to the debian "testing" distribution. 


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