Request for update package scim in universe

Ming Hua minghua at
Thu Jan 27 23:45:57 CST 2005

Hi Ubuntu developers,

[Please cc: me as I am not subscribed.]

I am a Ubuntu user and one of the Debian maintainers of package scim, a
input method platform for CJK packages.  I wonder how I can request the
update of scim packages in Hoary universe, and what time to do it.

The current packages in universe is quite old (0.9.7-1) and has some
serious bugs.  It would be nice to have updated scim packages for Hoary,
especially since the new 1.0.x packages provide support for much more
languages and input methods.  I am currently preparing a new upload to
Debian unstable, and since Hoary is going to have GTK+ 2.6, some changes
are needed for building on Hoary.

So my question is:  What is the deadline for requesting a update in
Hoary universe?  And how should I submit a request?  Is sending a Email
with the package name and version number to this list okay?

(Just for the reference, if I request now, I would like to request the
following:  scim (1.0.2-1) scim-chinese (0.4.2-1), scim-tables
(0.4.3-1), scim-uim (0.1.3-2).  Likely a lot of packages scim-uim
depends on, such as uim, libm17n, need to be updated as well.)

[Please cc: me as I am not subscribed.]


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