Switching to AMD64

Jack Bertram jack at jbertram.net
Mon Jan 31 07:42:57 CST 2005

* Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen at canonical.com> [050131 13:40]:
> * Jack Bertram 
> | - what commands to run to upgrade from i686 to AMD64 in a working hoary
> |   install
> You don't.  (Unless you are crazy.  Which means it's possible, but if
> it breaks, you get to keep all the parts.)

I'm not crazy.

> | - what might break if I do so
> Everything.  More or less. ;)

Fair enough...

> | Can anyone point me to some links?
> Reinstall is the simple solution unless you want to get intimately
> familiar with how shared libraries, the kernel and the dynamic linker
> works.  (If you do want to do that: install a 64bit-capable kernel,
> move /lib to /lib32; symlink it back (keep a sash while doing this),
> then reinstall all your packages, possibly with a bit of
> --force-architecture.)

Ok, sounds like I need a new partition to experiment with this.  Thanks.

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