Autopackage for Ubuntu!

Konstantin Ryabitsev mricon at
Sat Jan 29 20:17:34 CST 2005

On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 01:49:07 +0000, Martin Alderson
<martinalderson at> wrote:
> Any plans to use autopackage ( which would solve most,
> if not all, Linux install problems (distro-neutral packages, automatic
> dependancy resolution with no central dependancy database, iirc,
> bootiful GUI for both GTK and QT, etc etc).

Have you even read the FAQ?

Q: Can I use autopackage for my new distro?
A: No, see the question below for more details, but essentially
autopackage is not a tool for building distributions. It's a tool for
3rd party software developers to produce packages for their website
that any Linux user can use.

Konstantin Ryabitsev
Zlotniks, INC

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