use extended attributes by default on /home?

Kristof Vansant de_lupus at
Sat Jan 29 18:43:36 CST 2005

Can't we enable this by default on a /home dir on install of ubuntu or
will this affect performance? I know beagle is not a part of ubuntu but
would enabling this have any disadvantages?

extended attributes are used by Beagle to keep track of which files have
been indexed and which need to be re-indexed. You will need to set
extended attributes on the file systems that Beagle is indexing.

To set extended attributes, you should add the user_xattr property to
the relevant file systems in your /etc/fstab file. For example:

/dev/hda3     /home     ext3     defaults,user_xattr     1 2

You can then remount the affected partitions as follows:

# mount -o remount /home


PS: does ubuntu on "default install" create a separate partition for /home ? I think /home and /srv better should be in a separate directory.

lupusBE (Kristof Vansant Belgium)

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