Wireless Drivers "Out of the box"

Yaniv Abir yanivabir at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 10:17:19 CST 2005

I was wondering if it's possible, now that Ralink has GPLed their 
drivers (http://www.ralinktech.com/supp-1.htm), to include them in Hoary 
so that they will work out of the box, or at least have a package 
available in the repository. I'm asking this because Ralink's drivers 
(at least the 2500 series, and I guess that the 2400 series too) isn't 
easy to compile (or possible at all) on an Ubuntu systmen, for the 
not-so-expert users, and because there are plenty of wirless cards out 
there based on these chipsets.

Thanks in advances,

Yaniv Abir

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