vga16fb display size problems (Re: Live CD X autoconfiguration)

Marcus Bauer mblist at
Wed Jan 19 03:26:08 CST 2005

On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 01:46 +0000, Paul Sladen wrote:

> So, it could be:
>   (a)  Used in VGA (not SVGA, not VBE) mode, the chip is doing a
>        particularly good impression of a 128kB VGA adaptor.
>   (b)  Only two pages (for whatever reason) are getting mapped.
>   (c)  General weirdness to do the card already have been in that mode
>        because it's a laptop with a fixed-size TFT and square pixels

> Marcus, you mentioned '80x24' above, would you be able to recount and
> confirm whether it is 24, or wether it might be 25 being displayed?

It is 25 lines. In fact the second line of dmesg already tells (but I
counted it too to confirm):

  Console: colour VGA+ 80x25

So at the beginning it gets correctly recognized.

It's a laptop TFT display and the graphics adapter uses shared memory.

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