Epiphany vs. Firefox (Duck!)

J. S. Jackson dlist at ubuntuforums.org
Mon Jan 17 17:50:58 CST 2005

I've been using Epiphany for quite some time.  After installing Ubuntu,
and seeing that Firefox was the default, I decided to try it.

I must say that I much prefer Epiphany.  Firefox is really slow in
comparison, particularly when loading pages from cache.  I don't really
see any added functionality, either,  that compells me to use Firefox.

In addition, the font rendering in Ephiphany seems better to me.  Maybe
it's just my imagination?  

Well regardless, the control of font sizes in Ephiphany is better.  I
run at high resolution (1600x1200), and with ephiphany, I can set what
is the lowest size font I ever want to see.  It's perfect.  In Firefox,
it seems to zoom everything in a different manner, and doesn't save
across browser sessions?

I understand why they install Firefox by default.  It's hugely popular
on Windows, but I still prefer Epiphany.  I hope that Firefox doesn't
squeeze Epiphany out of the Linux world completely.

J. S. Jackson

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