Getting back/forward mouse buttons working as default

nuopus dlist at
Fri Jan 14 11:04:52 CST 2005

Eric Dunbar Wrote: 
> Why not have newbies running Hoary? They/we may not be able to
> trouble-shoot major problems, but minor ones or interface issues can
> easily be flagged by people who are more removed from the
> computer-geek (ahem, expert) way of working, thus improving the
> experience for non-experts once Hoary is released, eh?

In general, introducing someone that is thinking about switching from
windows to the hoary development branch is a bad idea. At the school
LOTS of students want to try Linux on their desktop machines after
taking the Linux course. Being that most of them are not really
computer "geeks" YET ... they pick out features that work terribly and
it effects their decision because "windows doesnt do that".

Introducing a new user like that to a distribution where they WILL get
lots of bugs will only foster the belief that Linux is very buggy and
Windows is 10x better. Most will not take into account that this IS a
development version ... they have no patience for re-installs or
waiting for a bug to get fixed that was introduced to a PREVIOUSLY
WORKING package, they just want an OS that works.


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